
1978年-1982年   大连工学院(今大连理工大学)物理系,1982年获理学学士学位

1985年-1986年   瑞典Linkoping大学物理与测量技术系 留学生

1986年-1991年   瑞典Lund大学理论物理系  1991年获理学博士学位


1982年-1985年   大连工学院(今大连理工大学)物理系,助教

1991年-1993年   瑞典Linkoping大学物理与技术测量系,博士后

1993年-1995年   瑞典Lund大学固体物理系,研究员

1995年-2001年   瑞典Lund大学固体物理系,助理教授

2001年-2003年   瑞典Lund大学固体物理系,副教授

2003年-                瑞典Lund大学固体物理系,教授

2010年-                北京大学信息科学技术学院,国家特聘教授












1. R. J. Zhu, Y. Q. Huang, N. Kang, and H. Q. Xu, Gate tunable nonlinear rectification effects in three-terminal graphenenanojunctions, Nanoscale 6 (2014);DOI: 10.1039/c3nr06404b

2. Liang Ma, Wei Hu, Qinglin Zhang, Pinyun Ren, Xiujuan Zhuang, Hong Zhou, Jinyou Xu, Honglai Li, Zhengping Shan, Xiaoxia Wang, Lei Liao, H. Q. Xu, and Anlian Pan, Room-Temperature Near-Infrared Photodetectors Based on Single Heterojunction Nanowires, Nano Letters 14, 694-698 (2014)

3. S. Fahlvik Svensson, E. A. Hoffmann, N. Nakpathomkun, P. M. Wu, H. Q. Xu, H. A. Nilsson, D. Sanchez, V. Kashcheyevs, and H. Linke, Nonlinear thermovoltage and thermocurrent in quantum dots, New Journal of Physics 15, 105011 (15 pages) (2013)

4. Y. Q. Huang, R. J. Zhu, N. Kang, J. Du, and H. Q. Xu, Photoelectrical response of hybrid graphene-PbS quantum dot devices, Applied Physics Letters 103, 143119 (5 pages) (2013)

5. Guangwei Xu, Shaoyun Huang, Xiaoye Wang, Bin Yu, Hui Zhang, Tao Yang, H. Q. Xu, and Lun Dai, Synthesis, properties, and top-gated metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors of p-type GaSb nanowires, RSC Advances 3, 19834-19839 (2013)

6. Simon Abay, Daniel Persson, Henrik Nilsson, H. Q. Xu, Mikael Fogelström,Vitaly Shumeiko, and Per Delsing, Quantized conductance and its correlation to the supercurrent in a nanowire connected to superconductors, Nano Letters 13, 3614-3617 (2013)

7. M. Larsson, J. S. Lim, R. Lopez, and H. Q. Xu, Tunable zero-field Kondo splitting in a quantum dot, Physical Review B 88, 085407 (6 pages) (2013)

8. Katarzyna Gas, Janusz Sadowski, Takeshi Kasama, Aloyzas Siusys, WojciechZaleszczyk, Tomasz Wojciechowski, Jean-François Morhange, AbdulmenafAltintaş, H. Q. Xu, WojciechSzuszkiewicz, Structural and optical properties of self-catalytic GaAs:Mn nanowires grown by molecular beam epitaxy on silicon substrates, Nanoscale 5, 7410-7418 (2013)

9. Nicklas Anttu, Magnus Heurlin, Magnus T. Borgström, Mats-Erik Pistol, H. Q. Xu, and Lars Samuelson, Optical far-field method with subwavelength accuracy for the determination of nanostructure dimensions in large-area samples, Nano Letters 13, 2662−2667 (2013)

10. H. O. H. Churchill, V. Fatemi, K. Grove-Rasmussen, M. T. Deng, P. Caroff, H. Q. Xu, and C. M. Marcus, Superconductor-nanowire devices from tunneling to the multichannel regime: Zero-bias oscillations and magnetoconductance crossover, Physical ReviewB 87, 241401(R) (6 pages) (2013)

11. Nicklas Anttu and H. Q. Xu, Efficient light management in vertical nanowire arrays for photovoltaics, Optics Express 21, A558-A575 (2013)

12. Jesper Wallentin, Nicklas Anttu, Damir Asoli, Maria Huffman, Ingvar Åberg, Martin H. Magnusson, Gerald Siefer, Peter Fuss-Kailuweit, Frank Dimroth, Bernd Witzigmann, H. Q. Xu, Lars Samuelson, Knut Deppert, Magnus T. Borgstrom, InP Nanowire Array Solar Cells Achieving 13.8% Efficiency by Exceeding the Ray Optics Limit, Science 339, 1057-1060 (2013)

13. M. T. Deng, C. L. Yu, G. Y. Huang, M. Larsson, P. Caroff, and H. Q. Xu, Anomalous Zero-Bias Conductance Peak in a Nb−InSb Nanowire−Nb Hybrid Device, Nano Letters 12, 6414−6419 (2012)

14. Nicklas Anttu, Kousar L. Namazi1, Phillip M. Wu, Pengfei Yang, Hongxing Xu, H. Q. Xu, and Ulf Håkanson, Drastically Increased Absorption in Vertical Semiconductor Nanowire Arrays: A Non-Absorbing Dielectric Shell Makes the Difference, Nano Research 5, 863–874 (2012)

15. Simon Abay, Henrik Nilsson, Fan Wu, H. Q. Xu, C. M. Wilson, and Per Delsing, High Critical-Current Superconductor-InAs Nanowire-Superconductor Junctions, Nano Letters 12, 5622−5625 (2012)

16. Fredrik Boxberg, Niels Sondergaard, and H. Q. Xu, Elastic and piezoelectric properties of zincblende and wurtzite crystalline nanowire heterostructures, Advanced Materials24, 4692-4706 (2012)

17. Phillip M. Wu, Nicklas Anttu, H. Q. Xu, Lars Samuelson, and Mats-Erik Pistol, Colorful InAs nanowire arrays: from strong to weak absorption with geometrical tuning, Nano Letters 12, 1990-1995 (2012).

18. S. Fahlvik Svensson, A. I. Persson, E. A. Hoffmann, N. Nakpathomkun, H. A. Nilsson, H. Q. Xu, L. Samuelson, and H. Linke, Lineshape of the thermopower of quantum dots, New Journal of Physics 14, 033041 (11pages) (2012).

19. N. Anttu, Z. Q. Guan, U. Håkanson, H. X. Xu, and H. Q. Xu, Excitations of surface plasmonpolaritons in double layer metal grating structures, Applied Physics Letters 100, 091111 (3 pages) (2012).

20. H. A. Nilsson, P. Samuelsson, P. Caroff, and H. Q. Xu, Supercurrent and Multiple Andreev Reflections in an InSb Nanowire Josephson Junction, Nano Letters 12, 228-233 (2012).