





2008.6- 2009.7:北京大学物理电子所,助理研究员

2009.8- 2014.7:北京大学物理电子所,副教授

2014.8-           :北京大学物理电子学所,教授






(1)2011-2015,科技部重大研究计划纳米专项:碳基无掺杂纳电子器件和集成电路,第一课题“高性能碳基CMOS器件和集成电路”, 课题编号2011CB933001。课题负责人。

(2)2013-2015,中组部青年拔尖人才计划, 240万元,负责人。

(3)2014-2016,自然科学基金委优秀青年基金,项目编 61322105, 碳基纳米电子学,负责人。

(4)2014-2017, 国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目编号61376126,亚20纳米碳纳米管CMOS器件研究,负责人。








万人计划创新领军人才计划 ,2019年




1. Le Huang, Huiling Xu, Zhiyong Zhang*, Chengying Chen, Jianhua Jiang, Xiaomeng Ma, Bingyan Chen, Zishen Li, Hua Zhong and Lian-Mao Peng*, Graphene/Si CMOS Hybrid Hall Integrated Circuits, Scientific Reports, in press, 2014.

2. Tian Pei, Panpan Zhang, Zhiyong Zhang*, Chenguang Qiu, Shibo Liang, Yingjun Yang, Sheng Wang, and Lianmao Peng*, Modularized Construction of General Integrated Circuits on Individual Carbon Nanotubes, NanoLetters 14, DOI: 10.1021/nl5001604, 2014.

3. Le Huang, Zhiyong Zhang*, Bingyan Chen, Xiaomeng Ma, Hua Zhong and Lian-Mao Peng, Ultra-sensitive graphene Hall elements, Applied Physics Letters 104, 183106, 2014.

4. B.J. Cai, S. T. Wang, L. Huang, Y. Ning, Z. Y. Zhang*, G.-J. Zhang1,*Ultrasensitive Label-Free Detection of PNA-DNA Hybridization by Reduced Graphene Oxide Field-Effect Transistor Biosensor. ACS Nano 8, 2632,  DOI: 10.1021/nn4063424, 2014.

5. Z. X. Wang, S. B. Liang, Z. Y. Zhang*, Honggang Liu, Hua Zhong, Lin-Hui Ye, Sheng Wang, Weiwei Zhou, Jie Liu, Yabin Chen, Jin Zhang, L.-M. Peng*,Scalable Fabrication of Ambipolar Transistors and Radio-Frequency Circuits Using Aligned Carbon Nanotubes Arrays. Adv. Mater. 26, 645, 2014.

6. H. L. Xu, L. Huang, Z. Y. Zhang*,B.Y. Chen, H. Zhong, L.-M. Peng*. Flicker noise and magnetic resolution of graphene hall sensors at low frequency.  Applied Physics Letters. 103, 112405, 2013.

7. S. B. Liang, Z. Y. Zhang*, T. Pei, R. M. Li, Y. Li and L.-M. Peng*, Reliability tests and improvements for Sc-contacted n-type carbon nanotube transistors Nano Research 6, 535-545, 2013.

8. R. B. Shi, H. L. Xu,, B. Y. Chen, Z. Y. Zhang*, L.-M. Peng. Scalable fabrication of graphene devices through photolithography Applied Physics Letters 102,113102, 2013.

9. Z. X. Wang, Z. Y. Zhang*, H. Zhong, T. Pei, S. B. Liang, L. J. Yang, S. Wang, L.-M. Peng*,Carbon Nanotube Based Multifunctional Ambipolar Transistors for AC Applications Adv. Func. Mater. 23,446-450, 2013.

10. H. L. Xu, Z. Y. Zhang*, R. B. Shi, H. G. Liu, Z. X. Wang, S. Wang, L.-M. Peng*, Batch-fabricated high-performance graphene Hall elements. Scientific Reports 3,1207, 2013. 

11. Z. Y. Zhang*, H. L. Xu, H. Zhong, L.-M. Peng*, Direct extraction of carrier mobility in graphene field-effect transistor using current-voltage and capacitance-voltage measurements. Applied Physics Letters 101, 213103, 2012

12. Z. X. Wang,Z. Y. Zhang* , L.-M. Peng, Graphene-based ambipolar electronics for radio frequency applications.Chinese Science Bulletin57, 2956, 2012 (Invited Paper)

13. Z. X. Wang, Z. Y. Zhang*, H. Zhong, T. Pei, S. B. Liang, L. J. Yang, S. Wang, L.-M. Peng*,Carbon Nanotube Based Multifunctional Ambipolar Transistors for AC ApplicationsAdv. Func. Mater.2012, 10.1002/adfm.201202185

14. L. Ding, S. B. Liang, T. Pei,  Z. Y. Zhang*, S. Wang, W. W. Zhou, J. Liu, L.-M. Peng*, Carbon nanotube based ultra-low voltage integrated circuits: scaling down to 0.4 V. Applied Physics Letters 100, 263116, 2012

15. L. Ding, Z. Y. Zhang*, T. Pei, S. B. Liang, S. Wang, W. W. Zhou, J. Liu, L.-M. Peng*, Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors for Use as Pass Transistors in Integrated Logic Gates and Full Subtractor Circuits. ACS nano 6,4013-4019, 2012

16. L. Ding+, Z. Y. Zhang+ (contributed equally), S. B. Liang, T. Pei, S. Wang, Y. Li, W. W. Zhou, J. Liu, L.-M. Peng*, CMOS-based carbon nanotube pass transistor logic integrated circuits. Nature Communications, 3:677, 2012

17. L. B. Gao, W. C. Ren, H. L. Xu, L. Jin, Z. X. Wang, T. Ma,, Z. Y. Zhang, Q. Fu, L.-M. Peng, X. H. Bao, H. M. Chen, Repeated growth and bubbling transfer of graphene with millimetre-size single-crystal grains using platinum. Nature Communications, 3:699, 2012

18. Z. Y. Zhang* , S. Wang, L.-M. Peng, High Performance Doping-Free Carbon-Nanotube Based CMOS Devices and Integrated Circuits. Chinese Science Bulletin, 57, 135, 2012 (Invited Paper).

19. Q.S Zeng, S. Wang, L.J. Yang, Z. X. Wang, T. Pei, Z. Y. Zhang, L.-M. Peng, W. W. Zhou, J. Liu, W. Y. Zhou, S. S. Xie, Carbon nanotube arrays based high-performance infrared photodetector, Optical Materials Express, 2, 839-848, 2012 (Invited Paper).

20. H. T. Xu, S. Wang, Z. Y. Zhang, Z. X. Wang, H. L. Xu, L.-M. Peng, Contact length scaling in graphene field-effect transistors, Applied Physics Letters, 100, 103501 , 2012.