

地址:北京市海淀区成府路209号 北京大学物理学院

网页: https://icqm.pku.edu.cn/rydw/jzyg/236941.htm


陈剑豪,1981年12月生。2004年毕业于浙江大学竺可桢学院,获理学学士。2009年获美国马里兰大学(University of Maryland at College Park)物理学博士。2009年至2013年先后在美国马里兰大学和加州大学伯克利分校(University of California at Berkeley)从事博士后研究。2012年入选海外高层次人才引进计划青年项目。2013年起为北京大学物理学院量子材料科学中心研究员、博士生导师。2018年起兼聘为北京量子信息科学研究院研究员。2018年起兼聘为北京轻元素量子材料研究员研究员。2019年起担任纳米器件物理与化学教育部重点实验室副主任。2019年起作为项目负责人承担国家自然科学基金委重点项目。2019年起作为项目负责人承担国家重点研发计划项目。

主要研究方向为低维电子材料及纳米器件的物理与应用,原子尺度上的材料物性调控,以及超高真空条件下的原位输运表征。至今发表40篇论文,包括Nature Physics,Nature Nanotechnology,Nature Materials,Nature Communications,Physical Review Letters,Advanced Materials等。其中6篇文章入选ESI高引用文章,最近以通讯作者在Nature Materials发表的拓扑光电器件成果还入选同期杂志的封面特写。Google Scholar总引用超过9200次。受邀撰写了剑桥大学出版社《二维材料:性质与器件》书籍的第二章。申请国内专利8项,其中4项已授权,4项进入实审阶段。

在国际会议上发表特邀学术报告多次,包括APS March Meeting, MRS Spring Meeting, International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, AVS International Symposium and Exhibition,中国物理学会秋季会议,中国真空学会年会等,并应邀在哈佛大学,麻省理工学院,斯坦福大学,加州大学伯克利分校,IBM Watson 研究中心, IBM Almaden 研究中心等大学和科研院所做过学术报告。担任多个著名国际学术会议组委,包括美国材料学会春季会议专题研讨会等。

现为多个国际著名SCI期刊审稿人,包括PRL、PRB、Advanced Materials、Advanced Energy Materials、2D Materials、Nanotechnology、Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter、IEEE Electron Device Letters等等。现为Journal of NanoMaterials客座编辑。













Jian-Hao Chen*, Chapter 2: Electrical Transport in Graphene: Carrier Scattering by Impurities and Phonons, “2D Materials: Properties and Devices”, Cambridge University Press, 2017 (ISBN-10: 1107163714;ISBN-13: 978-1107163713) DOI: 10.1017/9781316681619.003


Chuanwu Cao, Jian-Hao Chen*, “Quantum Spin Hall Materials”, Advanced Quantum Technology 2, 1900026 (2019)

入选Advanced Quantum Technology当期back cover, DOI: 10.1002/qute.201970063  (2019)


36.  Shimin Cao, Chuanwu Cao, Shibing Tian and Jian-Hao Chen*, “Evidence of tunable magnetic coupling in hydrogenated graphene”, Physical Review B 102, 045402 (2020)

35.  Zongwei Ma, Wang Zhu, Gaoting Lin, Yinan Liu, Feng Jin, Yang Yang, Tong Wu, Xuan Luo, Yuping Sun, Jian-Hao Chen, Yan Sun, Chun Zhou, and Zhigao Sheng, “Micro-MOKE with optical interference in the study of 2D Cr2Ge2Te6 nanoflake based magnetic heterostructures”, AIP Advances 9, 125116 (2019)

34.  Shimin Cao, Wenlong Ma, Gan Zhai, Zhijian Xie, Xueshi Gao, Yan Zhao, Xiumei Ma, Lianming Tong, Shuang Jia and Jian-Hao Chen*, “Anisotropic Raman spectrum and transport properties of AuTe2Br flakes”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32, 12LT01(2019)

33.  Shili Yan, Hai Huang, Zhijian Xie, Guojun Ye, Xiao-Xi Li, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Zheng Han, Xianhui Chen*, Jianlu Wang*, Jian-Hao Chen*, “Reliable nonvolatile memory black phosphorus ferroelectric field effect transistors with van der Waals buffer”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11, 42358 (2019)

32.  Hanwen Wang, Mao-Lin Chen, Mengjian Zhu, Yaning Wang, Baojuan Dong, Xingdan Sun, Xiaorong Zhang, Shimin Cao, Xiaoxi Li, Jianqi Huang, Lei Zhang, Weilai Liu, Dongming Sun, Yu Ye, Kepeng Song, Jianjian Wang, Yu Han, Teng Yang*, Huaihong Guo, Chengbing Qin*, Liantuan Xiao, Jing Zhang, Jian-Hao Chen*, Zheng Han*, Zhidong Zhang, "Gate tunable giant anisotropic resistance in ultra-thin GaTe", Nature Communications 10, 2302 (2019)

31. Junchao Ma, Qiangqiang Gu, Yinan Liu, Jiawei Lai, Peng Yu, Xiao Zhuo, Zheng Liu, Jian-Hao Chen*, Ji Feng*, and Dong Sun*, "Nonlinear Photoresponse of Type-II Weyl Semimetals", Nature Materials 18, 476 (2019) Times Cited: 4

·  Cover article for Nature Materials 18, issue 5, May 2019.

·“Lighting up Weyl semimetals”, News and Views, Nature Materials 18, 428 (2019).

30. Congwei Tan, Min Tang, Jinxiong Wu, Yinan Liu, Tianran Li, Yan Liang, Bing Deng, Zhenjun Tan, Teng Tu, Yichi Zhang, Cong Liu, Jian-Hao Chen, Yong Wang, Hailin Peng*, "Wafer-Scale Growth of Single-Crystal 2D Semiconductor on Perovskite Oxides for High-Performance Transistors", Nano Letters 19, 2148 (2019)

29. Chuanwu Cao, Xin Liu, Xiao Ren, Xianzhe Zeng, Dong Sun, Shuyun Zhou, Yang Wu, Yuan Li, Jian-Hao Chen*, "Barkhausen effects in the first order structural phase transition in type-II Weyl semimetal MoTe2", 2D Materials 5, 044003 (2018) Times Cited: 1

·“Benchtop cosmology exploits solid-states systems”, Physics World Characterization and Modeling (Media Report), November 10, 2018.

28. Rongjie Zhang, Zhijian Xie, Chunhua An, Shuangqing Fan, Qiankun Zhang, Sen Wu, Linyan Xu, Xiaodong Hu, Daihua Zhang, Dong Sun, Jian-Hao Chen, and Jing Liu, "Ultraviolet Light-Induced Persistent and Degenerated Doping in MoS2 for Potential Photocontrollable Electronics Applications", ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10, 27840 (2018) Times Cited: 3

27. Chaoyi Cai, Jian-Hao Chen*, “Electronic transport properties of Co cluster decorated graphene”, Chinese Physics B 27(6), 067304 (2018)

·“ In situ measurements reveal cobalt-decorated graphene behaviour”, Physics World Research Update (Media Report), June 28, 2018.

26. Jiawei Lai, Yinan Liu, Junchao Ma, Xiao Zhuo, Yu Peng, Wei Lu, Zheng Liu , Jian-Hao Chen*, and Dong Sun*, “Broadband Anisotropic Photoresponse of the “Hydrogen Atom” Version Type-II Weyl Semimetal Candidate TaIrTe4”, ACS Nano 12, 4055 (2018) Times Cited: 3

25. Jiawei Lai, Yinan Liu, Junchao Ma, Xiao Zhuo, Yu Peng, Wei Lu, Zheng Liu , Jian-Hao Chen*, and Dong Sun*, “Broadband Anisotropic Photoresponse of the “Hydrogen Atom” Version Type-II Weyl Semimetal Candidate TaIrTe4”, ACS Nano 12, 4055 (2018)

24. Jiawei Lai, Xin Liu, Junchao Ma, Qinsheng Wang, Kenan Zhang, Xiao Ren, Yinan Liu, Qiangqiang Gu, Xiao Zhuo, Wei Lu, Yang Wu, Yuan Li, Ji Feng, Shuyun Zhou, Jian-Hao Chen*, Dong Sun*, “Anisotropic Broadband Photo Response of Layered Type-II Weyl semimetal MoTe2”, Advanced Materials 30, 1707152 (2018) SCI引用: 4

23. Yinan Liu, Qiangqiang Gu, Yu Peng, Shaomian Qi, Na Zhang, Yinong Zhang, Xiumei Ma, Rui Zhu, Lianming Tong, Ji Feng*, Zheng Liu* and Jian-Hao Chen*, “Raman Signatures of Broken Inversion Symmetry and In-plane Anisotropy in Type-II Weyl Semimetal Candidate TaIrTe4”, Advanced Materials 30, 1706402 (2018) SCI引用: 1

· Invited to show case the result in 2018 China National Science and Technology Week and Beijing Science and Technology Week, May 19, 2018.

22.  Qiankun Zhang, Yinan Liu, Jiawei Lai, Shaomian Qi, Chunhua An, Yao Lu, Xuexin Duan, Wei Pang, Daihua Zhang, Dong Sun, Jian-Hao Chen* and Jing Liu*, “Liquid phase mass production of air-stable black phosphorus /phospholipids nanocomposite with ultralow tunneling barrier”, 2D Materials 5, 025012 (2018)

21.  Xiao-Xi Li, Zhi-Qiang Fan, Pei-Zhi Liu, Mao-Lin Chen, Xin Liu, Chuan-Kun Jia, Dong-Ming Sun, Xiang-Wei Jiang, Zheng Han, Vincent Bouchiat, Jun-Jie Guo, Jian-Hao Chen, Zhi-Dong Zhang, “Gate-controlled reversible rectifying behaviour in tunnel contacted atomically-thin MoS2 transistor”, Nature Communications 8, 970 (2017). SCI引用: 10

20.  Shi-Li Yan, Zhi-Jian Xie, Jian-Hao Chen*, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe , “Electrically tunable energy band gap in dual-gated ultra-thin black phosphorus field effect transistors”, Chinese Physics Letters 34, 047304 (2017). SCI引用: 6

媒体报道:“Tunable band-gap black-phosphorus field-effect devices in operation”, National Science Review 4, 791, June 28, 2018 (Research Highlights).

19.  Xin Liu*, Zhiran Zhang, Chaoyi Cai, Shibing Tian, Satya Kushwaha, Hong Lu, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Robert J Cava, Shuang Jia* and Jian-Hao Chen*, “Gate tunable magneto-resistance of ultra-thin WTe2 devices”, 2D Materials 4, 021018 (2017)

18.  Shibing Tian, Pengjie Wang, Xin Liu, Junbo Zhu, Hailong Fu, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Jian-Hao Chen* and Xi Lin*, “Nonlinear transport of graphene in the quantum Hall regime”, 2D Materials 4, 015003 (2016) SCI引用: 1

17.  F. Zheng, C. Cai, S. Ge, X. Zhang,X. Liu, H. Lu, Y. Zhang, J. Qiu, T.Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, S. Jia, J. Qi, J.-H. Chen*, D. Sun*, J. Feng*, “On the Quantum Spin Hall Gap of Monolayer 1T'-WTe2”, Advanced Materials 28, 4845 (2016) SCI引用: 36

16.  J. Hellerstedt, M. Edmonds, J. H. Chen, W. G. Cullen, C. X. Zheng, and Michael S. Fuhrer, “Thickness and growth-condition dependence of in-situ mobility and carrier density of epitaxial thin-film Bi2Se3”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 173506 (2014) SCI引用: 10

15.  J. -H. Chen, G. Autès, N. Alem, F. Gargiulo, A. Gautam, M. Linck, C. Kisielowski, O. V. Yazyev, S. G. Louie and A. Zettl, “Growth of a Linear Defect in Graphene for Gate-Tunable Valley Filtering”, Physical Review B 89, 121407(R) (2014) SCI引用: 61

14.  Peter Bai, Joseph Kao, Jian-Hao Chen, William Mickelson, Alex Zettl, Ting Xu, “Nanostructures on Graphene using Supramolecule and Supramolecular Nanocomposites”, Nanoscale 6, 4503 (2014)       SCI引用: 4

13.  A. Gibb, N. Alem, J.-H. Chen, K. Erickson, J. Ciston, A. Gautam,  M. Linck, A. Zettl,“Atomic Resolution Imaging of Grain Boundary Defects in Monolayer Chemical Vapor Deposition-Grown Hexagonal Boron Nitride”, Journal of the American Chemical Society 135, 6758(2013)          SCI引用: 114

12.  J. -H. Chen, L. Li, W. G. Cullen, E. D. Williams, M. S. Fuhrer,“Origin of logarithmic resistance correction in graphene Reply”, Nature Physics 8, 353(2012)       SCI引用: 13

11.  J. -H. Chen, L. Li, W. G. Cullen, E. D. Williams, M. S. Fuhrer, “Tunable Kondo Effect in Graphene with Defects”, Nature Physics 7, 535(2011) SCI引用: 226(ESI高引用文章)

媒体报道:·  “New way to control magnetic properties of graphene discovered”, Science Daily, April 18, 2011.

                 ·  “Scientists make magnetic new graphene discovery”, PhysOrg.com, April 18, 2011.

10.  W. G. Cullen, M. Yamamoto, K. M. Burson, J. -H. Chen, C. Jang, L. Li, M. S. Fuhrer, E. D. Williams,“High-fidelity conformation of graphene to SiO2 topographic features”, Physical Review Letters 105, 215504 (2010) SCI引用: 93

9.  J. Katoch, J. -H. Chen, R. Tsuchikawa, C. W. Smith, E. R. Mucciolo, and M. Ishigami,“Uncovering the Dominant Scatterer in Graphene Sheets on SiO2”, Physical Review B 82, 081417(R) (2010)  (Editor's Suggestion) SCI引用: 43

8.  S. Xiao, J. -H. Chen, S. Adams, E. D. Williams, M. S. Fuhrer, “Charged Impurity Scattering in Bilayer Graphene”, Physical Review B 82, 041406(R) (2010)             SCI引用: 68

7.  J. -H. Chen, W. G. Cullen, C. Jang, M. S. Fuhrer, E. D. Williams, “Defect Scattering in Graphene”, Physical Review Letters 102, 236805 (2009) SCI引用: 378(ESI高引用文章)

6.  C. Jang, S. Adam, J. -H. Chen, E. D. Williams, S. Das Sarma, M. S. Fuhrer, “Tuning the Effective Fine Structure Constant in Graphene”, Physical Review Letters 101, 146805 (2008)   SCI引用: 254(ESI高引用文章)

5.  J. -H. Chen, C. Jang, S. Xiao, M. Ishigami, M. S. Fuhrer, “Intrinsic and Extrinsic Performance Limits of Graphene Devices on SiO2”, Nature Nanotechnology 3, 206 (2008)  SCI引用: 1751  (ESI高引用文章)

媒体报道:“Graphene could be the new silicon”, Scientific American News Blog, March 31, 2008.

                “Is Graphene the new silicon?”, NSF Press Release 08-048, March 27, 2008.

                “Carbon could enable fastest chips”, by Colin Johnson, EE Times, March 25, 2008.

4.  J. -H. Chen, C. Jang, S. Adam, M. S. Fuhrer, E. D. Williams, M. Ishigami, “Charged Impurity Scattering in Graphene”, Nature Physics 4, 377 (2008)  SCI引用: 971(ESI高引用文章)

3.  J. -H. Chen, M. Ishigami, C. Jang, D. R. Hines, M. S. Fuhrer, E. D. Williams, “Printed Graphene Circuits”, Advanced Materials 19, 3623 (2007)  SCI引用: 152

2.  M. Ishigami, J. -H. Chen, W. G. Cullen, M. S. Fuhrer, E. D. Williams, “Atomic Structure of Graphene on SiO2”, Nano Letters 7, 1643 (2007)  SCI引用: 1063(ESI高引用文章)

媒体报道:  “Clean Up on Graphene”, Editor's Choice, Science 316, 1543, June 15, 2007.

“Graphene: What lies beneath”, Research Highlights, Nature Nanotechnology, May 25, 2007.  (doi:10.1038/nnano.2007.183)

1.  M. Ishigami, J. -H. Chen, E. D. Williams, D. Tobias, Y. F. Chen, M. S. Fuhrer,“Hooge’s Constant for Carbon Nanotube FETs”, Applied Physics Letters 88, 203116 (2006) 

SCI引用: 74


3.  Hellerstedt, J; J. -H. Chen,; Kim, D; Cullen, WG; Zheng, C. X.; Fuhrer, MS, In situ monitoring of resistivity and carrier concentration during molecular beam epitaxy of topological insulator Bi2Se3, MICRO/NANO MATERIALS, DEVICES, AND SYSTEMS,  Proceedings of SPIE, 2013, 8923 (DOI: 10.1117/12.2033659) SCI 引用: 1

2.  J. -H. Chen, C. Jang, M. Ishigami, S.Xiao, W. G. Cullen, E. D. Williams, M. S. Fuhrer,“Diffusive Charge Transport in Graphene on SiO2”, Solid State Communications 149, 1080 (2009)     (Proceedings of 2009 Graphene Week)  SCI引用:78

1.  D. R. Hines, A. E. Southard, A. Tunnell, V. Sangwan, T. Moore, J.-H. Chen, M. S. Fuhrer, E. D. Williams, “Transfer printing as a method for fabricating hybrid devices on flexible substrates”, Proceedings of SPIE 6658, Organic Field-Effect Transistors VI (2007) SCI引用: 2


陈剑豪、蔡超逸、曹世民、曹传午、郭方准,一种超高真空兼容的低温强磁场输运装置(实用新型),授权号: 2017213057435

陈剑豪、曹世民、蔡超逸,一种超高真空环境的多自由度样品传递装置(发明),授权号: 201710463009X


陈剑豪、曹世民、蔡超逸,一种低震动超高真空低温物性测量装置(发明),   授权号:2017108173962



