









1998-2000年:在美国Arizona State University物理系,做博士后。

2001- 至今 :在北京大学电子学系工作,2002年评为正教授和博士生导师



主要学术成绩有:纠正了前人对氧化钛纳米管的认识错误,首次提出并证实了钛酸纳米管的结构和形成机理。发展了一系列电子显微镜中的原位操作、加工和测量方法,实现了纳米材料和器件的结构与性能的对应。系统研究了碳纳米管的力学特性,观察到碳纳米管的超润滑,找到了碳纳米管从梁到弦的转变规律。原位搭建并研究了碳纳米管谐振器,找出了影响谐振频率的因素和规律。制备并研究了基于纳米管、纳米线的多种高性能纳米器件。至2017年3月,已经在Nature Nanotech., Nano Lett., Adv. Mater.等杂志上发表170余篇SCI论文,被SCI他引7600余次,h因子38,有10篇论文入选ESI高被引用论文。






2008年因2001年发表在APL上的文章获得Thomson Reuters的“中国卓越研究奖(Thomson Reuters Research Fronts Awards 2008)”。


















在钛酸纳米管的结构和形成机理方面,电子显微镜中的原位纳米测量和纳米加工和纳米器件研究方面取得了多项国际瞩目的研究成果。纠正了前人对氧化钛纳米管的认识错误,首次提出并证实了钛酸纳米管的结构和形成机理。发展了一系列电子显微镜中的原位操作、加工和测量方法,实现了纳米材料和器件的结构与性能的对应。系统研究了碳纳米管的力学特性,观察到碳纳米管的超润滑,找到了碳纳米管从梁到弦的转变规律。原位搭建并研究了碳纳米管谐振器,找出了影响谐振频率的因素和规律。制备并研究了基于纳米管、纳米线的多种高性能纳米器件。至2017年3月已在Nature Nanotech., Nano lett.等杂志上发表170余篇SCI论文,被SCI他引7600余次,有10篇论文入选ESI高被引用论文。是20项国家授权发明专利和2项美国专利的主要发明人。



1. Jiapei Shu, Gongtao Wu, Song Gao, Bo Liu, Xianlong Wei, Qing Chen*, “About the influence of water vapor on the electronic property of MoS2 field effect transistors”, Nanotechn., doi.org/10.1088/1361-6528/aa642d. online 2017-3-3.

2.  Yuxiang Han, Mengqi Fu, Zhiqiang Tang, Xiao Zheng, Xiaoye Wang, Tao Yang*, Qing Chen*, “Switching from Negative to Positive Photoconductivity towards Intrinsic Photoelectric Response in InAs Nanowire”, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., (2017)DOI:10.1021/acsami.6b13775.

3.   Xing Li, Shaobo Cheng, Shiqing Deng, Xianlong Wei, Jing Zhu,* Qing Chen*, “Direct Observation of the Layer-by-Layer Growth of ZnO Nanopillar by In situ High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy”, Sci. Rep. 7(2017) 40911. DOI:10.1038/srep40911. 2017-1-18

4.  Xiaoye Wang, Wenyuan Yang, Baojun Wang, Xianghai Ji, Shuai Luo, Shengyong Xu, Wei Wang, Qing Chen, Tao Yang*, “Effect of nanohole size on selective area growth of InAs nanowire arrays on Si substrates”, Journal of Crystal Growth, December 2016, DOI:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2016.12.026.


1.   Zhiqiang Tang, Xing Li, Gongtao Wu, Song Gao, Qing Chen, Lianmao Peng, and Xianlong Wei*, “Whole-journey nanomaterial research in an electron microscioe: from material synthesis, composition characterization, property measurements to device construction and tests”, Nanotechnology, 27 (2016) 485710.

2. Yingchao Yang, Xing Li, Minru Wen, Emily Hacopian, Weibing Chen, Yongji Gong, Jing Zhang, Bo Li, Wu Zhou, Pulickel M. Ajayan, Qing Chen, Ting Zhu*, and Jun Lou*, “Brittle Fracture of 2D MoSe2”, Adv. Mater., (2016) DOI: 10.1002/adma.201604201.

3. Yao Guo, Chunru Liu, Qifang Yin, Chengrong Wei, Shenghuang Lin, Tim B. Hoffman, Yuda Zhao, J. H Edgar, Qing Chen, Shu Ping Lau, Junfeng Dai, Haimin Yao, H. -S. Philip Wong, and Yang Chai*, “Distinctive In-plane Cleavage Behaviors of Two-Dimensional Layered Materials”, ACS Nano, 10 (2016) 8980-8988.

4. M. Q. Fu, T. W. Shi, X. Li, Q. Chen*, “The structure-dependent properties of InAs nanowires and their devices”, “SiGe, Ge, and Related Materials: Materials, Processing, and Devices 7” issue of "ECS Transactions", 75 (8) (2016) 733-748.

5. Xing Li, Xianlong Wei, Qing Chen*, “In-situ environmental scanning electron microscopy for probing the properties of advanced energy materials”, Int. J. Nanomanufacturing, 12 (3/4) (2016) 264-277. Invited review.

6. Yao Guo, Xianlong Wei, Jiapei Shu, Bo Liu, Jianbo Yin, Changrong Guan, Yuxiang Han, Song Gao and Qing Chen*, 

7. Yao Guo, Jianbo Yin, Xianlong Wei, Zhenjun Tan, Jiapei Shu, Bo Liu, Yi Zeng, Song Gao, Hailin Peng*, Zhongfan Liu*, Qing Chen*, “Edge states induced disruption to thte energy band alignment at the thickness modulated MoS2 junctions”, Adv. Electron. Mater., 2 (2016) 1600048. Back cover. Highlighted by MaterialsViewsChina.com.

8. Gongtao Wu, Xianlong Wei,* Song Gao, Qing Chen, Lianmao Peng, “Tunable graphene micro-emitters with fast temporal response and controllable electron emission”, Nature Comm., 7 (2016) 11513.

9. Zhaoguo Xue, Mingkun Xu, Xing Li, Jimmy Wang, Xiaofan Jiang, Xianlong Wei, Linwei Yu*, Qing Chen*, Junzhuan Wang, Jun Xu, Yi Shi, Kunji Chen and Pere Roca i Cabarrocas, “In-plane self-turning and twin dynamics renders large stretchability to mono-like zigzag silicon nanowire springs”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 26(2016) 5352.

10. Mengqi Fu, Zhiqiang Tang, Xing Li, Zhiyuan Ning, Dong Pan, Jianhua Zhao, Xianlong Wei, Qing Chen*, “Crystal phase- and orientation-dependent electrical properties of InAs nanowires”, Nano Lett., 16 (2016) 2478. Highlighted by www.x-mol.com.

11. Zhiyuan Ning, Mengqi Fu, Gongtao Wu, Chenguang Qiu, Jiapei Shu, Yao Guo, Xianlong Wei, Song Gao, Qing Chen*, “Remarkable influence of slack on the vibration of a single-walled carbon nanotube resonator”, Nanoscale, 8 (2016) 8658.

12. Rufan Zhang,# Zhiyuan Ning,# Ziwei Xu,# Yingying Zhang,* Huanhuan Xie, Feng Ding, Qing Chen, Qiang Zhang, Weizhong Qian, Yi Cui, Fei Wei,* “Interwall Friction and Sliding Behavior of Centimeters Long Double-Walled Carbon Nanotubes”, Nano Lett. 16 (2016) 1367-1374

13.  Jiapei Shu, Gongtao Wu, Yao Guo, Bo Liu, Xianlong Wei, Qing Chen,* “The Intrinsic orignin of the hysteresis in the MoS2 field effect transistors”, Nanoscale, 8 (2016) 3049.

14.  Yuxiang Han, Xiao Zheng, Mengqi Fu, Dong Pan, Xing Li, Yao Guo, Jianhua Zhao, Qing Chen,* “Negative photoconductivity of InAs nanowire”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18 (2016) 818. DOI:10.1039/C5CP06139C.

15.   Xing Li‡, Dongdong Xiao‡, Hao Zheng‡, Xianlong Wei,* Xiaoye Wang, Lin Gu,* Yong-Sheng Hu, Tao Yang, Qing Chen,* “Ultrafast and Resersible Electrochemical Lithiation of InAs Nanowires Observed by In-Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy”, Nano Energy, 20 (2016) 194-201.


1.Gongtao Wu, Xianlong Wei,* Zhiyong Zhang, Qing Chen, Lianmao Peng,“A Graphene-Based Vacuum Transistor with High ON/OFF Current Ratio”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 25 (2015)5972-5978.DOI:10.1002/adfm.201502034.

2. Shi, Tuan Wei; Wang, Xiaoye; Wang, Baojun; Wang, Wei; Yang, Xiaoguang; Yang, Wenyuan; Chen, Qing; Xu, Hongqi; Xu, ShengYong;* Yang, Tao, “Nanoscale opening fabrication on Si (111) surface from SiO2 barrier for vertical growth of III-V nanowire arrays”, Nanotech.,26 (2015) 265302

3. Tuanwei Shi, Mengqi Fu, Dong Pan, Yao Guo, Jianhua Zhao, and Qing Chen*, “Contact properties of field-effect transistors based on indium arsenide nanowires thinner than 16 nm”, Nanotech. 26 (2015) 175202. Highlighted by nanotechweb.org. http://nanotechweb.org/cws/article/lab/60827.

4. Xing Li, Xianlong Wei,* Tingting Xu, Dong Pan, Jianhua Zhao, and Qing Chen*, “Large and Crystal Structure-Dependent Electromechanical Responses of InAs Nanowires under Axial Stretching”, Adv. Mater., 27 (2015) 2852.

of individual single-walled and few-walled carbon nanotubes

6. Yao Guo, Xianlong Wei, Jiapei Shu, Bo Liu, Changrong Guan, Song Gao and Qing Chen*, “Charge Trapping at the MoS2-SiO2 Interface and its Effects on the Characteristics of MoS2 Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 106 (2015) 103109.

8. Xintong Zhang, Xing Li, Mengqi Fu, Tuanwei Shi, Zhiyuan Ning, Xiaoye Wang, Tao Yang and Qing Chen*, “Study on the response of InAs nanowire transistors to H2O and NO2”, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 209 (2015) 456-461.

9. Xintong Zhang, Li Xing, Xiaoye Wang, Mengqi Fu, Tao Yang, Qing Chen, “Influence of Air on the Performance of InAs Nanowire FET”, Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis, 51(4) (2015) 585-590. doi:10.13209/j.0479-8023.2015.013.